Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why Do Police Abuse Their Authority?

There is No actual answer to why they do it. But what can be said is that many civilians are tired of it and want it to stop. Many civilians came out to rally against the Kentucy Police Department after they shot and killed an African American male by the name of James Taylor. He was shot 11 times while he was in handcuffs in February 2003. Police tend to get away with things such as this because those who are apart of the government is to weak to take a stand. There are many cases where Police Officers have shot and killed innocent people and are easily acquitted. So There is the answer I guess. They abuse their authority because there isn't anyone powerful enough to convict them.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Police Misconduct Pt.4

Rodney King is one of the most famous cases of police Brutality and Misconduct. Rodney was quickly taken to the hospital after the Los Angeles Police brutaly beat him to a pulp. He suffered from facial fractured due to numerous amounts of cops repeatedly beating him with the batons. As this accured other cops watched in enjoyment as Rodney is curled up on the floor being beaten for no reason. In this case four of the cops were taken to trial and was later aquitted, Meaning they got off. But later the case was taken back to federal court where two officers were sentenced to jail time as the other two were aquitted.




Police Misconduct pt.3

The Sean Bell Case was one of the most famous Cases for Police Conduct. On the morning of November 6,2006 Sean Bell and two of his friends were gun down by uniformed and cops without uniform one. They fired 50 shots killing on of the men on the morning of his Bachelor Party. That man that was killed was later found out to be Sean Bell. As the other two men, they were heavely wounded. There was know actual reason for opening fire,out of those cops who opened fire five of them were taken to trial for reckless endangerment and manslaughter they were found not guilty on any of the charges. Do you think this was fair?
Sean Bell, here with fiancée Nicole and their baby. He was shot and killed in 2006.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Police Misconduct

1. Why do police think they can abuse their authority?
2. What makes cops break the laws that they seem to always want to enforce?
3. To what extent does Police officers have the right to enforce the law?
4. Do you think that those cops who abuse their authority can have a fire arm?
5. What do you think the officers punishment should be?
6. When is it okay for an officer to use extreme force on a civilian?
7. Do you think that as a civlian you should be able to protect yourself in a case in which an officer is abusing their authority?
8. At what point do we as the people have the right to rebel against the whole Police department?
9. Do you think that the same way that we can change our government we should be able to change the officers that so call protect us?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was the Moses of her people. She guided various numbers of slaves to the North while using a trail that was named the Underground RailRoad. There were numerous stops before they arrived in the North. The North was a against slavery and everyone was free in the North. Harriet Tubman many many tribes back and forth from the South to the North to help slaves get to freedom. The trip would go on for days but that never stopped her.